Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oil and Smoking 2 yr Olds

On my lunch break I was on my "Twitter" page and saw a link to a video of a 2 year old boy who smokes up to 40 cigarettes a day. In so many ways this is wrong, and boggles my mind. I just had to attach a the link listed below. Let me know what you think. Also, while eating my lunch and "Twittering" I was listening to CNN regarding the oil spill and the status of doing the whole mud, cement, topkill thing.  They shared a very cool link where you can take the size of the oil spill and compare it to any city or town in the world. You can compare it to your own location to see how LARGE this oil spill really is. Check it out.
2 yr. old Smoking Boy
Oil spill size in your city or town

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