Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Night at the Landing!

Here is a picture of Steve and I at the Jacksonville Landing last night. We had a WONDERFUL time. While in Jacksonville for work Steve came and stayed with me for the night. We went and had some "Hooters" wings  at the Jacksonville Landing (click on title of this blog to go to Jacksonville Landing website) and then after came back to the hotel and visited with some co-workers in the hot tub. Of course I am quite tired today because I did not get to bed until around 12:45a.m. this morning, but WELL WORTH IT.  What a treat to have Steve with me for one of the evenings at the hotel. Being here for a week is a long time, and the fact that he took the time to come over, take me out to dinner, and spend the night was such a treat. Some of the ladies in the training got to meet him and he really hit it off with them. He is such a little social bug. I am also grateful for my mother giving me the money to still attend this training for work after my wallet was stolen on Saturday. Because she did this, I was able to still come and receive the training I need and also to have a night out with my husband. Thank you are a blessing...always there when I need you!  I would also like to say Thank you to my mother & father-n-law for taking care of my son for the past two days while Steve was at work and here with me for a night out. Every opportunity Steve and I have to spend out on the town together is such a gift and we really had a great time. Thank you Kay and Mike so very much! What a long list of things to be thankful for. I am so lucky! Thank you God!

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