Monday, May 24, 2010

A Nice Break!

The weekend started off great! My mother arrived in town on Friday, and my husband had a last minute date night planned. He sent me a text on Friday afternoon asking if I was up for going out and let grandma have an evening with little Steven. Yes! Yes! Yes! We had a wonderful time out on the town. The next morning my mother, Steven Jr and I left for a day of shopping. Our first stop "TJ Max". Though we did not find what we were looking for, someone found my wallet and refused to return it. wallet was stolen on Saturday.  This is a first for me. I only have one credit card and my debit card so going through the number of people you have to call was very easy, but the uneasiness was still what?  I was able to cancel my cards before my credit card or debit card was used...thank you mother was in town for support....thank you god, and my son was a well behaved trooper with all this going on....thank you god...I have learned that even with my wallet being stolen, there are things that can be done to fix the situation....thank you god....I have not lost a limb...or gotten into a horrendous accident...or lost a loved one....I am here, and it can be fixed....thank you god....what wonderful gifts...even in such a stressful situation...the tools are there to fix it and now I am in a beautiful hotel room, in a wonderful city, I have a great job, an awesome husband, a beautiful child, and a great mother...these are the gifts that god has given me and STILL provides me even with a stolen wallet he is still sending gifts my way...THANK YOU GOD!!!! 

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